Dr. Chudi founded Snowspirations Global Health Solutions SGHS, a social media-based Women’s Health forum, where he provides basic health knowledge about reproductive health, women’s health, men’s health and adolescent health to the teeming members, drawn predominantly from developing sub-Saharan African countries.
Dr. Chudi conducts daily teachings/ lectures via live videos on important topics in general health, community health, women’s health, including the use of contraceptives, women’s reproduction, infertility, and pregnancy.
He provides daily interactive sessions, where members ask pertinent questions and receive professional guidance.
Dr. Chudi organizes outreaches, seminars, summits, masterclasses, open clinics, email consults, and public health awareness on daily basis.
He conducts health awareness and preventive education on infectious and chronic disease conditions, including breast health, prevention of cervical cancer, and knowledge about sexually transmitted infections.
He provides monthly masterclasses to assess the practice of taught principles.
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